Vitamin K is a flat soluble vitamin, it play vital role in blood clotting, bones and heart health. Body requires protein and best source of protein is vitamin k. During injury if you take vitamin k supplements it can heal wound easily and rapidly increases blood level and make immunity system strong.When people do not get enough vitamin k, blood takes long time to clot. This can cause excessive blood loss and increased risk of death and injuries. There are so many reason why to intake vitamin in the diet here in this article i have covered all the information that will be beneficial for your health.
Benefits of vitamin K
- In pregnancy: Vitamin k helps blood to clot. It is very important to take 90 micro-grams vitamins a day. This is particular essential during pregnancy because after a birth or during pregnancy you might have a chance of lack of vitamin k, it causes many health risk for you and your baby, but the important thing do not take medical supplements eat only vegetables that contains vitamin K, you can check the list of foods that contains vitamin k below.
- In Skin care: Vitamin k may also be helpful for skin, if you apply vitamin K capsules on skin it can easily rid the marks, scratch, spider veins , burn and improve skin complexion. This is major play role to treat rosacea ,a skin conditions that causes red spots and pimples on the skin.
- Promote Heart health: Vitamin k help to keep blood pressure and cholesterol normal, it decreases the risk of stock because when you eat food that contains vitamins K you don't get individual nutrient you can also get carbohydrates , fats, minerals and vitamins that keep your heart healthy and prevent from all type cardiovascular events.
- Prevent Cancer: Vitamin k contains anticancer properties that protect body from several types of cancers. The study, reported in the America journal of clinical Nutrition proved that people who intake regularly vitamin K foods have lower risk of cancers as compared to those who eat relatively few vitamins k - containing food.
- Make bones stronger: As we know vitamin k is an essential for many processes in the body, including it is very beneficial in arthritis and body pain. Several studies has proven that lack of vitamin k in the body causes joints it is always best to try to get enough vitamins from your diet because when bones start to weaken naturally with age, evidence suggested that getting right amount of vitamin k is more important for health.
List of Food contains Vitamins k:
- Broccoli: 1 cup of broccoli contains 40 gm calories and 0 gm of fat . They also contain B9, C and as well as minerals like calcium, protein and selenium
- Spanish: 1 cup of boiled Spanish contains 40 gm calories and 0 gm of fat. It is a rich source of vitamins iron and minerals. It is also prevents birth defects in newborns.
- Green beans : 1 cup of green beans contains 40 gm calories and 0 gm fat. They are also contains vitamins A,C and other minerals. The lutein in the green beans helps protects eyes from blindness.
- Cabbage : 1 cup of shredded cabbage contains 53.2 micro-grams vitamins k. It contains varieties of nutrients of potential benefits to our stomach and insulin.
- Kale: 1 cup chopped kale contains 1062.1 mcg of vitamin K along with that it contains two powerful antioxidants like Quercetin and kaempforal these elements prevent from heart, osteoporosis cancer diseases.
- Soybeans: It is most important and rick to get vitamin K. 1 cup of soy contains vitamins , fibers, zinc and calcium and many more minerals. Doctors highly recommended soy in deficiency of vitamins. Regular intake of soy increases blood and also prevent from major risk diseases.
How much Vitamin K do we need?
The list below recommended intakes for vitamin K
- Male : Ages 19+ should take vitamin k amount 120 ug/day.
- Female : Ages 19+ should take vitamin K amount 90 ug/day.
- Pregnancy: Should take vitamin k amount 90 ug/day.
- Breastfeeding: Should take vitamin K amount 90 ug/day.
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