Now a days people are becoming very conscious for their health. So they generally avoid cheese food from their diet to lose weight. But internally everyone like dairy products to eat but unfortunately " i have to maintained my body shape" so i have to make distance myself from scrumptious cheesy dishes. But if i say, you can manage your waist line without making distance from your loved ones cheesy food .. yeaa this is real i am not saying in your dreams. If your are beginner and you have no knowledge about this diet i will guide how to make a plan and how to manage it.Before telling diet plans i would to inform you that in my previous article i gave brief introduction about ketogenic diet and here i give the information about diet plans for beginners.
What kind of food should be included in ketogenic diet ?
Ketogenic diet only allows ultra low crab and high protein food. Here a list of food that will help you to maintain your ketogenic diet plan.
Sea foods :- Sea food are very keto friendly food such as fish and shellfish. Fish is rich source of vitamins and protein. It contains vitamin B , omega-3 fatty acid , potassium. Fish contains healthy fats that help your body to regulating blood cholesterol and provide fuel to brain, so that brain can work effectively.In shellfish you can eat shrimps which is the best source of vitamins and proteins, aside from proteins shrimps contains array of nutrients four ounce of steamed shrimps contains over 100% over daily value of selenium, over 50% phosphorus , over 75% for vitamins B12. In shellfish crabs are most famous contains no carbs, other type of shellfish do
Avocado:- Avocado is incredibly nutritious. It is the great source of vitamins C, K , E and B6. If you take avocado in your diet you have no fear of waist line and cardiovascular diseases because avocado contains 0% cholesterol and total fats 23% . So this is pretty healthy fruit that can help to rid from health risk diseases and manage your body shape. Higher potassium intake may help make the transition to a ketogenic diet easier.
Meat and poultry :- Meat such as meat and poultry essential nutrients such as sodium, potassium, vitamins A and selenium. Easier to digest meat allowed the body to use its energy for build up brain. Protein and low carb are the keys of ketogenic deit. Meat and poultry contains all amino acids that are all essential for health.
Eggs :- After reading you will be surprise, one egg contains 75 calories but 7 grams of high protein, 5 gm of fat and 1.5 grams of saturated fat along with iron, magnesium, vitamins. If you eat 2 egg in breakfast this tends to make you healthiest person alive.
Low carb vegetables :- Vegetables are the essential part if your healthy low carb diet. But sometimes we stuck to make decision which vegetables is good for keto diet. Here a image discription of vegetables and if you are vegetarian and you really want to follow keto diet, for you i give all the information about low carb vegetables.
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