People follow diet and take nutrient daily, but my question is for those who are very busy in their life and not taking any protein diet. They have no time for their health and when they feel hungry they just eat junk food. Do you know what is the adverse effect of eating junk food daily instead of eating healthy diet. life of corporate workers are very hectic , generally people skip breakfast and if they don;t they eat vada pav . In the lunch time they eat some street food , in the dinner they generally hang out with fellows and eat some junk food. If you are also doing this , i am assuring that you slash you health. I am here to tell you about some compulsory food that you eat daily along with your junk food life , if you do then you are healthier least in your society.
Important Diet :
- Morning Booster :Eat apple daily in the morning which increases your body metabolism and makes you fresh , healthy and energetic. It keep your blood pressure normal and protects you from environmental damage.
- Healthy Lunch Box : Whatever you are eating in lunch always make sure eat salad as much as you can. Don't take varieties of fruit and vegetables in the salad, there are 3 &4 food and fruit combination that make your lunch diet healthier. You pack a gorgeous salad , veggie salad for your midday meal is enough of your day's required nutrition. what you need to make perfect salad. You need to take one crunchy cucumber, tomato , reddish and for making it tasty add lemon and onion.
- Delicious Dinner:- When the day ends well then why are you craving your night with junk food . Always eat light food at least 4 days in a week , if you do this then it is enough to maintain your healthy life style.
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