Benefits Of Walking

Walking is wellbeing 

 A 20- minute walk can ease your life .Especially if you are suffering from hurtful diseases like diabetes, joints problem, cardiovascular diseases and much more. Scientist found that inhaling fresh air in the morning helps to clear lungs and increases the level of oxygen in your body. I am sure those who walk at least 20 minute in the morning they feel happier all the day.I am here to tell you about why getting fresh air is so important for your health. 

#1 Relieves Depression :-  Activities like walking and running is the best solutions for anxiety, swings mood and depression. Studies has claimed that walking may be effective and most vigorous exercise for alleviating depression. If  you are going through with these diseases and medicine are not playing significant role  to cure, sometimes changing climate, walking, running will help to reduce depression. Scientist found that physical active people have up to a 30% risk of becoming depressed. If you walk regularly you will  the difference that walking can make your mind good and also increases the mental power

#2 Walking Can Turn Your Waistline :- Non stop 30 minute walking and proper diet are best option to reduce weight. Though it is true that people are struggling to loss weight due to having a  busy schedule that they cannot go to gym . Do not worry just take 30 minute and walk , avoid elevators use stairs so in this way you can manage and loss the weight. So don't wait for a new week, for a new month or a new year , just START NOW, and you wont regret it.

#3 Slash Of Risk Of  Chronic Diseases :-  Result shows that  30 minute physical activity can safe you from risk of chronic diseases. One in 12 death can be prevented by 30 minutes of walking that conclusion from world's largest physical activity , which analysed data from several countries.Walking improves the quality of life and make you more enthusiastic towards life

Special Note :-

More exercise will make good linked with health but 30 minute per day has a benefits 

Exercise is important to maintain healthy relaxed and toned body . Dr Madhukar Trivedi, who hold the Betty Jo Hay Distinguished Chair  in Mental Health at the University of Texas, said that physical mental health, pain all improved when they do 30 minutes walking per day . 
