Milk is a liquid which contains valuable protein, vitamins, nutrients and fiber. Generally people know the benefits of milk ,but they don't know the benefits of milk with chywanprash. I am here to tell you all the benefits of drinking milk along with chyawanprash.
What ingredient milk contains ?
A full glass of milk is a magic glass for health.Milk contains several vitamins like A,D,B,K,B6 and small amount of pantothenic acid which is a high source of nutrient .Drinking milk regularly is a blissful to your health. Milk protects you from bones problems and also stimulate your immunity system. Milk is the supplement which detoxifies and protect vital liver functions and more. Milk is the super drink and power house of nutrients, protein and fats. So, if you are suffering from protein deficiency drink at least 1 glass of milk can help prevent obesity.
What ingredient Chyanwanprash contains ?
Chyanwanprash is an Ayurvedic tonic which is made of many powerful herbal herbs, but the main ingredient is amla. Amla is the most often reputed fruit that contains rich source of vitamin C. Being a multi- purpose fruit its help to cure many hair problem , skin problem and improve metabolic activity. The combination of mineral and vitamins can help to prevent from menstrual cramp.
Blissful combination of milk with chyanwanprash
Taking chyanwanprash with warm milk it is very useful drink in winters. Generally in winters people are suffering from cold and cough , joint pains and several infections. Due to presence of amla in chywanprash and fibers in milk make versatile combination for health. Taking this combination daily especially in winters protects you from winter health risk.
Interesting Facts
Cows milk is long associated with calcium and protein. The studies shows that those who consumed 4069 mg of potassium per day had a 49 % of lower risk of heart diseases.
Clinical studies and report shows that those who consume chywanprash regularly for a particular period of time shows improvement in overall health status.
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