Alcohol And Heart Health

While some evidence suggests that drinking a small amount of  alcohol is not effect your body but its important to remember that more you drink, the higher your risk of heart diseases. Australian Heart foundation advises against consumption of red wine and other types of alcohol beverage is not good for heart. The harmful effects are high blood pressure , heart muscle damage, stroke, liver problem and some cancers.

How alcohol can damage heart ?   

The heart system  affected by alcohol. Over consumption of alcohol increases blood pressure. High blood pressure put strain on heart and causes cardiovascular diseases

What is safe level of alcohol consumption ? 

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism is the lead federal agency research on alcohol. They examine that drinking alcohol can increase your risk of cancer of the mouth, liver and breast. According to research men should not exceed 4  drinks per day and women 3 drink per day. Most of the people do not drink on a regular basis, if you do, you should aim to have some days off. just make sure you don't increase the amount of drinking on other days. Studies found that if you are drinking too much just avoid alcohol for 48 hours to prevent your heart from risk. 

  What Food Not To Eat With Alcohol: 

List of some food you should not eat with alcohol 

  • Avoid spicy food 
  • Avoid dairy product like cheese, butter and much more. 
  • Avoid salty food , you can kiss your potato chips bag and say good bye  while drinking.   
  • Avoid sweets, do not eat sweet while drinking its get you more drunk and out of control. 

Facts and Figures About Alcohol :

  • Alcohol misuse is the biggest factor for death, ill-health among 15-49 in UK . 
  • In UK  there were an estimated 1.1 million hospital admission related to heart diseases , cancer and casual factor is alcohol. 
  •  The number of older people between 60-79 admitted to hospital in england with mental and behavioral disorders are associated with alcohol.
  • 64% of the stranger violence and 70% violence incident in evening and night are alcohol related.  

The Most Important Thing You Can Do To Help An Alcoholic 

If a person having alcohol problem always offer your support , realize that you can't force someone to quit alcohol . All you can do offer your help and explain what are the treatments . If you truly want to quit alcohol , i give you the information about alcohol support services who are always be there for you and give you better solutions. 

If you need help with a drinking problem you may contact with these support services

#1  AL-Anon 
confidential help-line number   0207 4030888  open ( 10 am- 10 pm)

#2 NHS Choice
 This sites provide and advise about alcohol . (

#3 National Association for children of Alcoholics

Free help-line number  0800 358 3456 
Email id - 
#4 Talk to Frank 
National drug awareness site for  young people and parents/ care . 

Hope my article will  help you :)
The best thing about life is life itself ,don't let an alcohol to destroy your life 
