Why salt is necessary for life?

Salt a miraculous gift of nature, is one of the most useful and amazing minerals on Earth. Earth derived from the sea and the rocks. Do you know this is the only rock humans can eat?
Salt has seasoned our history, language and food, besides making nutritious foods more portable, Used in all bakery products, prepared foods, sauces, soups , spices , cereals , dairy products , meat and poultry. It is also an extraordinarily effective food preservative, retarding the growth of spoilage by micro-organisms and making food storage possible long before refrigeration. For a average person, a moderate amount might run from 4 to 10 gm a day or roughly half to one and one- third teaspoons.

Common salt, a chloride of sodium, is chemically represented by a symbol NaCl. Sodium chloride or the common salt is 39 percent sodium and 61 percent chloride. Forming a solution in the body, these two components separate into sodium and chloride ions, each with a different task. Chloride maintains the balance of water between the living cell and its environment, plays a part in digestions, and pairs with sodium to maintain the blood’s acid-base balance, critical for life. Sodium assists in regulating the volume of blood and blood pressure. It facilitates the transmission of nerve impulse and is necessary for heart and muscle contractions.

Salt’s functions in the body are already elucidated. Deficiency signs include lethargy, dizziness , cramps and palpitation. In women, excessive salt intake promotes fluid retardation and cause breast pain. But what good salt can do, in the right dose, is unequalled. Snorers should try spraying their nose with salt water to moisten the mucous membrane and make it easier to breath. To invigorate the body when tired or to remove dead skin cells, rub a handful of salt all over your body having a bath. Salt bath encourage detoxification and greatly help muscle and joint pain. Remove all the congestion in your throat by saline gargles.

  Specialist are convinced that a diet high blood pressure, a disorders that afflicts one- third of people above the age of 60. Moreover this is risk factor for two big killers-coronary heart diseases and stroke.
